Free cab rides in Colorado Springs and Pueblo for New Year’s Eve.
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KKTV) – The McDivitt Law Firm is making it easy for people to get a safe ride home as we say goodbye to 2017 and hello to 2018.
The law firm is offering its Safe Ride Home program from 10 p.m. to 3 a.m. on Sunday in Colorado Springs and Pueblo for New Year’s Eve. The firm will pick up the tab for anyone taking a cab ride to their home during those hours.
All you have to do is call a cab through zTrip or City Cab of Pueblo and say, “It’s on McDivitt.” The passengers must be heading home. The law firm says due to the high demand of cab rides on New Year’s Eve, rides cannot be guaranteed to everyone, although every attempt will be made to fulfill all requests.
Colorado Springs
Call zTrip of Colorado Springs at (719) 777-7777. Riders can also use the zTrip app to call for a cab. To ensure the ride is paid for by McDivitt, select “pay in car” when ordering a car. Once the car arrives, just tell the driver, “It’s on McDivitt.”
Pueblo and Pueblo West
Call City Cab of Pueblo at (719) 543-2525.